The World of Snowy Owls: 5 Craft Activities for Kids

The World of Snowy Owls: 5 crafts + learning resources

There has been a lot of talk about snowy owls around here, across northern New England as well as at our house.  It is not unusual to hear of a snowy owl spotting or two down this way during the winter.  This year, however, there have been an increased number of them traveling south in search of food.  Many people have had the opportunity to enjoy a rare glimpse of these amazing creatures.  There was even one found, and soon rescued, in an abandoned building in Portland, Maine.  You can read more about this influx of snowy owls here.

My children absolutely LOVE owls and all this talk has caused much excitement.  If  you and your child would like to learn more about snowy owls, here are some good resources:

After your child has learned a bit about these beautiful creatures, they may have fun creating one of their own:

  1. Pine Cone Snowy Owls
  2. Painted Snowy Owls
  3. Make an Owl Costume
  4. Upcycled Paper and Fabric Owls
  5. Newspaper Collage Snowy Owl


P.S. If there have been snowy owl spottings in your area, we’d love to hear about it.

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